Pictures, Reviews, Tanks, World of Tanks

To open 200 boxes, cudos to Wargaming!

This year, as a CC, I was lucky to be able to get 200 boxes from Wargaming.
A really nice gesture that I couldn’t wait to get home and open.
Was busy on the Friday, but yesterday before my 5h stream, I started open them.
And boy, I was lucky!
Started out with 2.4k gold and 5.5 million of credit and 0 days of premium.

Started of nice with some different camos and gold, and credits.
As before I already got the Progetto and the E75 TS (from Gamescom) but ofc I didnt have the two barrel tank Obj. 703 version II, or the SU-130PM (that I always wanted) so I was crossing my fingers for those.
Just soon after starting to open the boxes, I got the movie, of a tank, coming full speed through the woods.
What could it be?

I was really lucky, got the SU, and if that wasn’t enough, I got it 2 more times, so that ended up in 21k of gold instead. Opened alot of more boxes and suddenly, there was a new animation of a tank coming through the woods.
That could only mean that a two barrel love would enter my garage!

There it was.
The new tank that everyone is talking about. Yey!

When I opened all of my boxes I ended up with 121k of gold and I had about 14 million credits. And also 130 days of premium.
And what did that mean?
Even tho I was sober at the time, it was time to unlock the beasts that I’ve been longing to get.

Using a part of the gold I converted free XP and thanks to the blue prints I could easily get the heavy bad ass 60TP tier X and the laserboy Leopard 1.

All and all, I got a really good piece of ingame stuff and finally I have 2 new tier X which I love playing.

This also meant I could do my 5h stream on my own account because I could play the tanks I fancy the most.

A great and fun event every year, and this one in particular.
Thank you so much Wargaming for the boxes, I’m really happy I got the opportunity to get those!
Love you!

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