Reviews, Tanks, World of Tanks

The new mission tank Bat-Chatillon Bourrasque

So, what do we have here?

 Mr Frenchman who has a little body but a BIG gun and you know how much I like a BIG gun.

Today I’m going to review the new challenge reward tank, the (baby Bat Chat) Bat-Chatillon Bourrasque French medium Tank.

This tank is available for free by playing all 10 stages of the new Bat-Chatillon Bourrasque Challenge mission. Each stage reduces the cost of the tank by 10% so if you complete all 10 you get it for free (free is always GOOD)

There are two ways to complete each stage, Commitment and Mastery. Commitment is a base XP grind (tier 6 to 10)  and  Mastery is different challenges in tier 9 and 10 and is  directed towards the better player. You get other goodies while you grind and if you hate grinding and have spare dollar then just go buy it from the shop and you still get all the extras.

The look.
I love the look, its small and sneaky but has a huge thick canon 😊 and has so much sneaky value its closer to a light tank. It’s very small, cute but can deliver a whopping 2 x 360 alpha in just 2 seconds as it’s a 2-clip autoloader so therefore I will compare this tank to the other tier 8 premium autoloaders and auto reloader mediums available.

So lets get into some detail.

The stats

Its not on when I wrote this review so I used the in-game comparison system for this review and its set against the Skoda T27, Progetto 46, Lorraine 40t.

The BatChat has a 105mm gun making it the biggest out of the 4 tanks and with a 2-clip autoloader delivering 720 alpha in 2 seconds that’s pretty nice burst damage but then you have to wait 20 seconds to reload which means you need to play this tank really cleverly.

Shell penetration is the lowest with only 190 for standard and 240 for premium rounds but all that might well change in the future with the ammo rebalancing. I do like the burst damage but you pay a penalty with the gun handling, the aim time is terrible at nearly 3 seconds and the dispersion sucks 0.39 making it the worst of the bunch. Things don’t get much better when we check out the gun depression/elevation of just -6 and 13 respectively. Wargaming have tried to balance out the 2 shot alpha by making things like aim time really bad.

Damage per minute is around 1,900 plus which isn’t too bad for an autoloader and it’s reload is 20 seconds with a 2 second inter clip but it does only have 2 shells (an extra shell would really make this tank fun). Turret traverse is really fast compared to the others and helps make up a little for where this tank is weak.

The gun is nice when it hits and when it pens but you will need to be hitting that 2 button and hoping the RNGesus is smiling down on you with every shot unless you are close.

The hit point pool it’s the lowest with only 1,250 HP and it has zero armour so you will need to NEO everything that’s firing at you because everything that you will meet can pen you. Its pretty fast at 62 and with a reverse of 32 km/h but its traverse speed is not that good so turning won’t feel as good as in some of the other tanks.

The stat that really make this tank also stand out is the concealment rating.  It has a rating of…..wait for it, drum roll!!!! 36.8 which is way more than most and propels this tank into the realm of some light tanks and I think this is how you will see this tank used. It will sit and wait using its stealth and then suddenly unleash 700 plus damage before rapidly relocating but it can equally use its mobility to relocate to where the damage is and unload its full load on tanks busy with others or in the end game it can assassinate lonely wounded tanks.

I played this tank and I actually like it so if you want something different and like the challenge of an autoloader you will like this but if you want the best tier 8 premium tank go buy the Progetto 46.

It’s a tank with a high skill cap  and  it will be dangerous in the right hands.

Is it worth it? YES AS IT’S FREE and FUN!!

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