Clips, Events, Pictures, Real life, Streaming, Tanks, World of Tanks

Gamescom 2019 part 2

Okey, so let’s see how Gamescom itself looked like.
When I arrived on thursday Mr. Kubrick messaged me and asked me where I was.
I said I just arrived to the hotel.
He dropped the bomb that Sabaton still were hanging around on Gamescom, so me and John quickly jumped into a shuttle that took us to hall 8.
What a sight for the eyes to walk into this amazing event!
The pictures doesn’t really make justice to everything, it had to be seen with your own eyes!

Wondered around a little, checked out the streaming area and suddenly I saw them in the VIP for WoT, Sabaton!
I literally ran there like a little nervous school girl, but I had one time to do this, because I knew they were leaving really soon.
So I had a quick meet up with almost all of the group, and I got to do a quick interview with two of them. Really down to earth guys and I just love them even more after this meeting. I have a concert to go to in February too, so even if I missed the concert at Gamescom, I have a new chance next year!

(The short interview will come, I just need real life to stop spinning first before I can get some energy to fix it)
After meeting them we went back to the hotel and went outside to drink some wine and beer. Found a lovely spot over the road that was busy. I love people watching and with Wreck it makes it even better, because we notice the same stuff.

Friday started with a big breakfast that I showed you before.
With my belly full of honeycomb I was ready for first long day on Gamescom!

And then there was the streaming.
As always I’m getting treated like a rockstar and Wargaming fix everything they can get to me. Spoiled streamer – me? YES!
I’m so happy and pleased they invited little me with the big boys of Daki and QB.

Fotocred: Wargaming

I had so much fun and in the end Bremer came to surprise me, he drove all the way from the Netherlands to visit us for a few hours.
Such a nice surprise.
A very funny clip about that is visible here

I streamed for 4 hours and I wanted to go further, but the Wargaming party was waiting so I went home and had a good shower and took a Uber to the party.
Amazing party with free food and free wine!
They also installed pc in the bar where you could play WoT!
That must top the parties I ever been too!

Sunday stream was even more amazing with so many viewers and followers, and after Gamescom I finally hit 5k followers.
It was the best weekend in a long time, I’m so happy and thankful for being picked to do stuff like this. I do love to entertain and I have so much fun with you guys.
Thank you so much Wargaming and thank you so much for all the support you always give me. It definitely helps now when life is spinning and draining me.

On Sunday a visit to the Swedish Tank museum will be the destination!
And it might even be a stream from the car! WHOOP WHOOOOP!
Love you all!