Reviews, Sabaton, Tanks, World of Tanks

The STRV K, The First Tier 9 Premium tank.

Even tho it wasn’t that long ago since I talked about this in a Youtube-viedo, WG shocked us all with taking this one step longer.

The first Tier 9 Premium Tank!
And come on, together with SABATON!

Please don’t expect a non-biased review (Kappa) as you all know I just LOVE Sabaton so it must be amazing!

Its looks like it’s a cross between a Kranvagn and Centurion which produced a warrior war child tank wearing armour. The 3D style skin with the effects just sets it apart from everything else we have seen so far and with the smexy Sabaton crew it comes with you can’t go wrong. They come with a Band of Brothers and a fully trained skill. The skin is like medieval armour wearing a cloak with a fur collar, pinned by a sword & shield broach with an aura surrounding the tank, the same aura found in the video for Steel Commander, which Sabatons new song, and thats the collab with Sabaton and Wargaming.

So lets dive into the stats

Starting with the gun
390 Alpha with a 10 second (got mine down to 8.73 seconds )reload giving a 2,680 dpm  is pretty ok but nothing special but acceptable and it has 252mm pen when using standard AP ammo and 310mm with the dreaded ‘special’ APCR ammo. What is nice is the shell velocity of both making it a good support tank and hitting at range.

The gun handling is really good and the gun often snaps and hits even on the move.

I got to say I really love this gun and with 10 degrees gun depression it’s good for ridgelines but now we start to delve into what’s not so good.

The armour
This tank really doesn’t have any and even the turret gets penned as it only has 235 on the gun mantlet so peeking ridgelines is taken at your own risk. The hull is 90mm and a pretty big target.

The 1850 health pool is pretty average for its type and tier.

It’s not fast and it’s not slow but its ok. Its gun traverse felt good and it felt pretty mobile overall.  Its states 40kmh but reality is less but being more of a support heavy I guess it doesn’t need to get anywhere fast.  

It didn’t feel overly sluggish and different terrains seemed to have very little negative effect on it but it was still hard to reach its full speed.

Credit making
This is the first of Tier 9 premiums and will be used for credit grinding. With the games I had it didn’t seem to be making any more credits than I would have made in a tier 8 premium tank so it doesn’t have a higher than normal credit multiplier but I know people will buy this for frontlines and grinding.

It also can earn you a maximum of 100 bonds per week so that’s a nice feature but 100 bonds are the same for any tier 10 tank.

To sum up
I did expect to find this tank a little over powered but it is actually the opposite. Besides the good gun it’s just average and no better than most of its tech tree brothers and no new ‘super defender’ or anything. It’s a very pretty looking Sabaton inspired tank with a good gun but being the very first Tier 9 PREMIUM tank it will sell very well and also will trigger a huge debate which for now I’m staying out of other than saying I love tier 9 and would hate that tier to be negatively affected in the future.

Is it worth the euro to buy it? Well, you can grind it for free so free is always good.

Events, Pictures, Real life, Reviews, Sabaton, Tanks

Sabaton Concert Gothenburg 14 of February 2020

So, where should I start?
I had the best Valentine’s date ever with Sabaton themselfs!

I was a little nervous since Sabaton has given med press pass to take pictures on the concert in Gothenburg. HOW COOL?!
On Valentine’s day!

Pelle, my new found friend, picked me up at home and we went in his car down to Gothenburg.
Pelle himself is a really well known celebrity photographer in Sweden, like the royal family eurovision and other big events and happenings so his knowledge was huge! My own Nikon felt so little compared to his big one. But he was so incredibly kind and lent a house with lenses to me, so all of a sudden I had two cameras to shoot with, plus my little video camera to do som vlogging from the concert.
So fun and exciting and a little scary at the same time.
But what a fucking camera he had! A Nikon D5. No need to say more.
In Gothenburg we had a little trouble to find what way we could enter, but as soon as we knew where to be, I was calm.
There were two support band, Amaranthe and Apocalyptica. Not really my music, but they built up a lovely atmosphere until Sabaton went on.

And then we have….. Sabaton themselfs.
OMG. What a show, I was allowed in the pit for 5 different songs.
I had to walk in front of the fence and take pictures.
Stood there, completely starstrucked and all in love until Pelle poked me and told me to take photos. Hahhaha.
If I’m ever going to have a freecard, it’s definitely going to be Chris. He also recognize from Gamescom and I was able to take some good pictures of him.

Don’t need to say anything else but; What a FUCKING AMAZING show with fire, songs and pyro. So much energy!
They did both The Lion from the North and Carolus Rex, two of the songs that I listen to most. But also the new ones like Red Baron and Bismark.

I mean, these guys are incredible.
They have great vocals, amazing energy and knows how to do a show. Ofc they also did Primo Victoria and the crowd of jumped.

I did some videos, and hopefully I can get that up on my Youtube during the week.
Just need to learn this program I can use.

Sabaton, forever in my heart!