Pictures, Real life, Tanks, World of Tanks

All I want for Xmas is… a gingerbread tank!

A few years ago when I visited the Swedish Tank museum, I got this tank cookie cutter.
And yesterday when making gingerbread cookies, it was, as always, the perfect cutter to use.
This year I even made a little hole in it, so I could hang it in the tree we decorated after the cookies have cooled.

And just for the record..
One of them accidentally became a little different.
Let me present to you; the “Dick”er Max.

That got a special place in my kitchen from now 🙂

Reviews, Tanks, World of Tanks

The Renegade, a new challenge tank!

Shelloooooo and welcome back!

Today I’m here to show you the new Challenge reward tank, the M54 Renegade Tier 8 US Heavy Tank.
This tank is available for free by playing all 10 stages of the new Renegade Challenge mission. Each stage reduces the cost of the tank by 10% so if you complete all 10 you get it for free (free is a great price to pay)

There are two ways to complete each stage, Commitment and Mastery. Commitment is a base XP grind (tier 6 to 10)  and  Mastery is different challenges in tier 9 and 10 and is  directed towards the better player. You get other goodies while you grind and if you hate grinding and have spare dollar then just go buy it from the shop and you still get all the extras.

The Look

It’s a typical looking US heavy with a nice big 105mm gun that packs a nice punch (you have never heard me say  I like big guns right?)
To me it looks like how a heavy tank should look like, big gun, lots of meat, intimidating, in your face and it looks ready for action!
I just love the ‘Dead or Alive’ skin that its comes with  and reminds me of a certain cowboy that hangs in my stream (Benji)….

The Stats

Tier 8 is full of premium heavies so I will just compare it to some of the other US heavies namely the T26E5, T32 and the Chrysler K.

 Tank GG shows values without equipment or consumables added so in game things will be improved.
The Renegade has the best DPM with an impressive 2,208. Its 105mm gun gives a nice 360 alpha with an acceptable 9.7 reload (8.07 with rammer, vents and coke) and a good aim time for a heavy of 2.4 seconds.
Penetration of 226 AP and  255 APCR is also but you will need to tap the 2 key for many tier 9 and 10 fights.
Shell velocity on AP is 1,080 and even faster with ‘special ammo’ so hitting moving targets is easier as you don’t need to aim to far in front with that speed.

Dispersion of 0.36 is good and it feels even better when you play it showing a pretty acceptable bloom. I found the turret rotation not to be too slow and with -10/20 gun depression and elevation ridgeline fighting is good. The tank needs to be played hull down so the depression helps with hunting good fighting positions out and making use of what’s already available.

Lets see if this heavy is heavy or if its pretty speedy.

With a top speed of 45 and a reverse of 17 its way out in front of the other heavies we are looking at and it feels nice to drive. The extra speed means it can relocate a lot better than the others and you are not wasting time staying in no damage areas or travelling across the map. Tank traverse is better also and the tank feels manoeuvrable.

How meaty is the meat?

The renegade has 250 turret and 152 hull meat (armour) so you need to play it hull down and it comes with a standard 1500 hit points for tier 8 heavies.
There is a huge weak spot on top of the turret with the cupola so moving backwards and forwards to try and put off your opponents shots is advised .

I also found a weak spot on the turret ring so you can pen them even with 190mm pen guns if you know where to shoot when they side scape against you.

The view range is a really nice 400m base so if you have a good crew and you run food you can cap view range by using vents which also adds to other stats so the overall tank performs better than if you played it with optics.

I really liked the tank and if you see mostly tier 8 battles then you can dominate a lot of the time if you can get the right fighting positions. I was happy with how the gun behaved and  I did enjoy the speed and mobility.

The fact you can get this tank for free really means it’s worth it or if you don’t want to grind all the way just grind as  many as you want and use the discount in the shop.

Good luck lovers!

Reviews, Tanks, World of Tanks

Is this a wolf in sheep’s clothing? Tank review

Shelloooooo and welcome to a wonderful Sunday!
Let’s start this Sunday with talking about the new tank we got from Wargaming the other day.

Object 244 Premium Soviet Heavy Tank

The Look
Well well what do we have here!!
This looks like a tier 7 IS heavy tank but in tier 6 and armed with a peashooter gun!!!!!
It’s a ugly brother from another mother but most of the heavies are and they can never compare to the sexy sleek lines of my Shitbarn ❤

The Stats

I’m comparing this to the non-premium KV-85 and both of the premium Tigers at tier 6 and I want to at this point state that this tank will fight against the most OP tier 6 premium tank in the game, the T-34-85M which was widely available as a free tank and its good.

The first thing we see is the DPM of 1976 is at the top of the list, the reload is fast and can get to below 4.5 seconds but the bad news is the alpha is really low at only 180 and the 144 pen means when you see higher tier tanks you are going to have to hit that 2 button for 194 pen a lot and for only 180 damage in return. The other heavies have better alpha and the KV-85 can hit you in the face with a scary 390 damage (ouch)

The 85 caliber gun means you won’t be overmatching much and with 180 damage even tracking is not easy but the shell velocity isn’t as bad as the other 3 so some good news there.

The gun handling on paper looks good and actually a possible sniper if you like that kind of thing but I didn’t feel it when I played it but its still good for a heavy, at this tier there is no vertical stabs to help out.

The aim time is really good and in reality you can get it to 2 seconds which it needs because you need to fire a lot to make use of the DPM and it shows a 0.34 dispersion which again is good.

The bad news is the -5 gun depression which really holds back this tank for me and often when I was playing it I was having to hunt for gun depression where in other tanks its already there and it only has +15 elevation.

The Obj 244 has a top speed of 42 forwards and 14 back which makes it the fastest out of the bunch but that’s balanced out by the horrible engine power of only 520 making if feel sluggish unless going downhill and even though the KV-85 is way slower its actually far more manoeuvrable.

So is there anything good about this tank you might be asking yourself?

Well yes, it’s a tier 7 armoured tank in tier 6 so when you are top tier you can really bully tier 4 and 5’s and many of them just won’t pen you. With 120 hull and 100 turret armour you can play really aggressive and while you won’t be 1 shotting tanks like in your IS, KV2 or KV-85 can you will be leading the charge.

Wargaming have balanced this tank out by giving it the not so good stats above but have given it armour. They gave it a low HP pool of only 880 to help with that balance.

You can side scrape with it in same and lower tiers but it has the same weak spots as the IS so if your enemy know where they are you will probably get wrecked.

View range is a bad 340m so if you want vision you will need a good crew, vents, food and optics or even binos. Don’t use a gun laying drive as the return is really bad being it has a fast reload. I played it with rammer, optics and vents.

I thought this tank was ok, nothing great and nothing really bad. It doesn’t feel OP overall but in lower tiers where its armour really comes into effect it’s great fun. The low alpha damage does however cause problems when fighting it out with other heavies that have high alpha and you really need to be careful of bad trades or you will lose the majority of fights.

Would I buy one?
If I wanted a Russian low tier crew trainer then yes I would but if I could only afford one tier 6 premium tank I would chose the T-34-85M as it just doesn’t have any weakness (and of course the KV-2! Did I ever say I like big gun’s).

Reviews, Tanks, World of Tanks

The Offspring tank, another groupie?

Well Helloooo again!
Long time no see due to a busy life.

I’m back with a new tank review,

First it was Sabaton and now its Offspring so lets take a look at this new rock legend!
The American Premium Medium Tank the TL-1 LPC ‘OFFSPRING’.

The Look
It comes with an amazing skin full of skateboards, speakers, guitars and drum kits which looks really cool but you can replace it for those that don’t wanna look cool. Kappa.

The tank also comes with a special crew comprising of the band members just as they did with Sabaton ❤ and they have Band of Brothers (BIA) plus another 100% skill so they are useful from the start. The crew come with their own distinctive voices and unique sayings which you either love or hate. I won’t say what I think of them and I’ll leave that to  you guys.

It has what looks like a T95e2 hull with a Patton style turret and it all looks balanced and ‘balanced’ is the real thing that comes out of playing and reviewing this tank as we will see.

The Stats
The most obvious two things that jumps out at you when you check the stats is 280 Alpha and a whopping 280 HEAT pen!! yes 280!!!! and with amazing shell velocity.

Let’s take a look and compare to some of the other US tier 8 premium medium tanks with 90mm guns.

DPM is pretty good and comes out on top of the tanks I used to compare with and has the highest alpha by almost 20% ( I think only the Lansen C has more at 320). Penetration with standard rounds is also the highest at 208 which is ok but when you swap to HEAT you get an amazing 280 pen with a 1219 shell velocity making this tank compete when it sees those tier 9 and 10 games (clever move by Wargaming).

Reload you can get to under 7 seconds with a Band of Brothers (BIA) crew, rammer, vents and cola pumping the DPM to over 2.4k.

The gun handling is not great but it’s adequate for the tank, it’s by no means meant to be played as a long range sniper and those trying to play with that style will really feel the 0.36 dispersion. The play style is more medium range and trying to fight from hull down positions where you can use your turret armour.

Aim time you can get down to around 2 seconds and really is about standard for the US med line. Gun depression/elevation is -9/+19 which means you can use the ridgelines but is less that the others who have -10deg and +20. Firing on the move and when the turret is turning is also not great but equally is not bad. 

Top speed of 50 is faster than all but the Pilot and reverse is a standard 20. Playing it I found it felt a little slow when driving forward but pretty manoeuvrable when turning and it felt ok driving over different types of ground. Turret rotation is acceptable but not as fast as the Pilot.

Let’s look at the armour and health
The hull is 88.9/50.8/25.4 so you really want to hide the hull as much as you can and always try to angle at least. The turret is nicer though at 127/76.2/76.2 so always try to seek those hull down locations where you can utilise the turret but always consider your cupola is an easy pen so keep rocking and maybe try and block it with your gun while reloading.

Something to bear in mind is the 50.8 hull side armour will side scrape against the Russian 152mm guns but anything bigger will overmatch your sides so you need to choose when to side scrape.

Health is the lowest of the selection at 1,400 but engine health is pretty good, tracks and ammorack again are  pretty standard. It has a pretty low chance of fire at only 15% which helps those who run food.

Base view range is nice at 400 meaning with a good crew you won’t need to run optics.

I played a few games in randoms and then a lot more in Fronlines and I actually like it. It felt a little slow driving forwards but wiggling my butt was very acceptable. The gun I found to be manageable  and I did like the alpha when it hit. Of course I had to press the 2 button to try that 280 pen and I loved it but I swear the only reason I fire the premium 280 pen HEAT is because of the really fast shell velocity!!! Kappa.

I think this is one of the most balanced tanks wargaming have given us for some time. Where it has strengths it also has weakness which keeps a good balance. Bad play will be punished and good play will be rewarded which for me is exactly how a tank should be.

Would I buy it?
I think Wargaming sold it a little too high for my liking but I really do think it’s a well-balanced and fun tank to play and if you like quirky skins and voices this is the tank for you.

The Offspring has nothing more to give me tho, Sabaton will forever be in my heart. Haha 😀

Reviews, Tanks, World of Tanks

The Senlac!

Well Helloooo!

Today I go from BIG guns to small guns and small tanks namely the FV1066 Senlac premium Tier 8 British Light Tank.

The British light tank tree has come under an awful lot of criticism so lets see how  the premium tier 8 holds up.
I usually don’t play light tanks (because I like big guns) so this took some time to write.

The look

Its pretty small and stumpy with a rear mounted turret. My word for this tank is ‘Smugly’.
It’s a similar height to the HWK30, M41 90M, M41D but has a way smaller turret meaning it has a far smaller silhouette making it harder to hit. It’s  about the same size as the tech tree tier 8 light, the LHMTV which I will use as a comparison.

Ok so lets get into it.

First the stats…

Oh dear!

The first thing that hits you right in the face is the huge difference in DPM between the premium and non premium tank. The Senlac has 2,005 dpm (possible  to get over 2.3k)  while the LHMTV has a very poor 1,409 and just to rub more salt into the wound the LHMTV only carried 25 rounds compared to 45 on the Senlac!!

Reload time on the Senlac is around 5.38 seconds (easy to get below 5) with a 180 alpha which is understandable being a light and has an average of 189 penetration, 228 when shooting  APCR.

Aim time is better again than the LHMTV at around 1.73 and overall gun handling is far better than the tech tree version.

It has a very good gun depression for a rear mounted turret at -10 with +14 elevation.

When we look at comparing the mobility we see yet again that the Senlac has better stats in every category. Speed is a little faster, power to weight, turret, tank traverse and terrain resistance all are better.

Could view range on the Senlac be worse than the LHMTV, nope!!! It’s better at 400m compared to just 380.

The ONLY stats that look better on the LHMTV are armour values that don’t really make any difference and penetration.  

How does it play.

Well I played both tanks to get a good feel of the difference between them. I started with the LHMTV on my CC account with a 16 skill commander, rammer ,vert stabs, optics running food and oh boy it’s a bad tank.

I have nothing good to say about the LHMTV and I was really worried when the time came to try the Senlac on my own account with a pretty bad crew.

The Senlac gameplay.

I actually like it. The first thing I noticed was its far more manoeuvrability than the LHMTV and even though the stats are not that different it just felt far more agile turning driving around. It has better view range which is a major thing on a light and having a relatively small profile the camo is not bad so you can play both the passive and active light roles (map dependant).

I found the gun really good, it hit where I aimed more often than I expected and with that 10 degrees of gun depression you can play ridge lines as long as you don’t get greedy.

Its acceleration and speed combined with a small profile made it a pretty hard target to hit and together with its better DPM makes it a very nice tank to play especially compared to the LHMTV.

The Senlac needs to find a place within the competitive tier 8 light tank arena where the Russian LT-432 reigns king and EBR’s zoom around the battle field stealing standard light tanks spots and just being generally annoying (just like wreck).

So does it have a chance to survive?

Where as there is nothing special with the Senlac its far superior to the LHMTV and is on par with many of them and better than some so yes it can.

Would I buy it?
If I could afford it and I wanted to grind the British light tanks line then yes I would. It’s a fun tank and playing it will make you want to keep playing it and never go play the LHMTV !!!

Events, Museum, Pictures, Real life, Swedish Tank Museum, Tanks, World of Tanks

Vehicle day at the Swedish Tank Museum – Arsenalen

What a day I had yesterday!
Went to the Swedish Tank Museum to be there to talk about the game and meet up with all of the visitors.
Such an amazing day I had with a lot of people meeting up and a lot of very smexy tanks to take photos of!

The lovely Strv m/21-29 that turned 101 years old this year!
The S-tank in its natural habitat. This tank is really something extra!
The Centurion. Also known as the Sabaton tank – Primo Victoria.
Chieftain itself!

The show itself was really nice and Stefan was telling us about all of the vehicles that was running around the arena.
They even managed to get their Chieftain running after 8 years!

After the show we went up to the WoT suite where the Swedish clan Swedish Phoenix [SWEPH] helped all the people that wanted to play the game.
Wargaming was very generous with sponsoring goodies for all the visitors and all of the guys in the clan did an amazing job to arrange competitions etc.
It was great to be a part of the team to introducing new players to the game.
I was even kindly invited to their clan and I promised to consider it.

And ofc, myself met so many followers and other people that loves the game, and it was such a pleasure to be a part of this.

To leave this place was hard, as always.
The Museum itself is always such fun to visit and take photos of, but the events that they arrange is really something that everyone should take part of. It’s a lot of planning, sweat and passion that they have put into this day.
Amazing people that creates amazing adventures!

And ofc, you can’t go from the Museum without some tank mudd on your shoes.
And with my heart full of new memories I went home to my normal life, and normal job.
I love the difference between these events and my normal life.
It really brings something extra to my heart and mind.
And to meet all of these beautiful people makes me smile.
Love you all!

Clips, Events, Pictures, Real life, Streaming, Tanks, World of Tanks

Gamescom 2019 part 2

Okey, so let’s see how Gamescom itself looked like.
When I arrived on thursday Mr. Kubrick messaged me and asked me where I was.
I said I just arrived to the hotel.
He dropped the bomb that Sabaton still were hanging around on Gamescom, so me and John quickly jumped into a shuttle that took us to hall 8.
What a sight for the eyes to walk into this amazing event!
The pictures doesn’t really make justice to everything, it had to be seen with your own eyes!

Wondered around a little, checked out the streaming area and suddenly I saw them in the VIP for WoT, Sabaton!
I literally ran there like a little nervous school girl, but I had one time to do this, because I knew they were leaving really soon.
So I had a quick meet up with almost all of the group, and I got to do a quick interview with two of them. Really down to earth guys and I just love them even more after this meeting. I have a concert to go to in February too, so even if I missed the concert at Gamescom, I have a new chance next year!

(The short interview will come, I just need real life to stop spinning first before I can get some energy to fix it)
After meeting them we went back to the hotel and went outside to drink some wine and beer. Found a lovely spot over the road that was busy. I love people watching and with Wreck it makes it even better, because we notice the same stuff.

Friday started with a big breakfast that I showed you before.
With my belly full of honeycomb I was ready for first long day on Gamescom!

And then there was the streaming.
As always I’m getting treated like a rockstar and Wargaming fix everything they can get to me. Spoiled streamer – me? YES!
I’m so happy and pleased they invited little me with the big boys of Daki and QB.

Fotocred: Wargaming

I had so much fun and in the end Bremer came to surprise me, he drove all the way from the Netherlands to visit us for a few hours.
Such a nice surprise.
A very funny clip about that is visible here

I streamed for 4 hours and I wanted to go further, but the Wargaming party was waiting so I went home and had a good shower and took a Uber to the party.
Amazing party with free food and free wine!
They also installed pc in the bar where you could play WoT!
That must top the parties I ever been too!

Sunday stream was even more amazing with so many viewers and followers, and after Gamescom I finally hit 5k followers.
It was the best weekend in a long time, I’m so happy and thankful for being picked to do stuff like this. I do love to entertain and I have so much fun with you guys.
Thank you so much Wargaming and thank you so much for all the support you always give me. It definitely helps now when life is spinning and draining me.

On Sunday a visit to the Swedish Tank museum will be the destination!
And it might even be a stream from the car! WHOOP WHOOOOP!
Love you all!

Reviews, Tanks, World of Tanks

My review of the VK75.01K

‘I like big guns and I cannot lie’
Even though it can look like a duck.

Welcome to another review and today I present the German tier 8 heavy tank the VK75.01 K ( the super duck with a huge gun). Because of Gamescom and my normal work the review was posted slightly late, haha, but sometimes shit happens,

First of all the look.

When I first saw this tank and how it looked I was hoping for a German version of the somewhat over powered Defender and a side scraping beast. Did this tank live up to my expectations….read on.

Its very German looking tank and the rear mounted turret gives it a sleek racing car look but unfortunately that’s where that similarity ends but it also has that brutal look, you don’t want one of these coming towards you when you are out walking the dogs!

One thing I did notice is that it sometimes looks like a duck…

For this review I will compare it to the other German tier 8 premium tank the famous Lowe. I won’t mention the VK 168.01 Mauerbrecher because I don’t own one, have not played one and to be honest I never want to.

So lets begin.

It’s a rear mounted heavy similar to the tier 9 tech tree tank the VK45.02 (P) and with the same alpha!
The first and most important thing about this tank is the alpha, it had a whopping 490 average damage giving a huge high roll potential of 612 (did I say I like big guns!)

If this thing is meets tier 6 tanks then you will laugh until the end of the battle…

The Lowe has a slightly lower DPM than this VK and has only 320 alpha but the Lowe does boast far better gun handling.

The 490 alpha comes at a cost and that is a 14 second reload. You really need to trade well with this tank and use your brain. Peak, fire then get safe and hope the guy you are fighting doesn’t realise he can put 2 or 3 into you between reloads or stay protected by your team mates but NOTHING beats that feeling when you put such a big round into the enemy (big guns again!)

Standard pen is 226 with 263 ‘special’ ammo so there will be some problems when fighting higher tiers. Lowe is 239/294 so can deal better in higher tiers games that you are bound to face. Having a 128 caliber gun means any enemy with 40mm or less armour will be over matched and therefore will not have a good day!

One thing I really don’t like about rear turreted tanks is the gun depression that forces on you and on the VK its only -5 which means using any ridgeline is extremely dangerous as you have to expose your lower plate to get a shot, the gun elevations is also lacking.

Shell velocity is lower than the Lowe at 920 compared to 1,150 so hitting moving targets will be harder and that subject I will come on to shortly. It only has 40 rounds of ammo but with a 14 second reload I don’t see running out of ammo that likely. Aim time is standard for heavies at about 2.6 seconds.

I found the gun handling on this tank not very good and you really need vertical stabilizers to help with that. I also played mine with vents to help mitigate the poor handling. Turret rotation feels slow and the size of the bloom means snapping wont be good unless the RNGesus is looking over you.
In my case he rarely does anyway, and I really can´t get the shooting to work.

The tanks slow but it’s a super  heavy so what do you expect but the reverse of 15 is acceptable. Traverse and mobility in general are what you would expect from this class and to be honest slow heavies are not my thing but did I say I like big guns?

Health pool is an underwhelming 1600 which is less than the lowe but we now come to the other exciting subject, the armour!!!

The hull is 180/100/80 and the turret is 250/100/80 so this means you can yolo in and bounce everything?  Or you  can side scrape  a corner and never take damage?  Um sorry no! There is a pretty HUGE weak spot on the turret, the cupola, which I believe is 180mm and its big and easy to hit. As with most tanks the lower plate is weak and because of both those reasons and the slow speed makes this tank very situational and not over powered. You need to hide your lower plate and try and side scrape so you cupola is as hidden as possible but with the slow reload you can get easily pushed. The current meta of ‘special’ ammo also negates the armour this tank has.

So what do I think now I played it.

I was in a way expecting better but I’m also grateful wargaming haven’t just brought out a new German Defender, the game doesn’t need any more of those. The big alpha is amazing and fits in with the current meta ( did I say I like big guns) but the armour is great in low tier games but will struggle in higher tiers. Like all slow heavies the tank is very situational, if you get town maps, top tier, no arty and a good supporting team you can do very well in this tank….if slow heavies are your thing. I prefere the Lowe, its more me and I played lots of battles in mine. Would I buy it?

If slow heavies was my thing and I didn’t have a Lowe then yes as the price is good for a tier 8 heavy compared to the cost of others but its nothing special.


Events, Pictures, Real life, Streaming, World of Tanks

First blog of Gamescom 2019

I cant believe that the best weekend in a long time already is over and I’m home again in my house, writing this a week later.
I will have to split the blogs in seperate parts because the hotel itself needs its own presentation!
Gamescom 2019 was my first Gamescom, and I’m so pleased I got to be a part of Wargaming’s schedule.
First of all, we got to stay at a 5 star hotel. Let’s have a look how it looked like!

What a AMZAING hotel!
They did everything, fixed the room several times, brought new sheets, gave me a gift on the room. I’m sure if I used the room service they would probably come and wipe my… behind if I asked them too! Never stayed at a hotel that was so serviceminded, and I’ve stayed on a lot of hotels.

Holy mother of fucks what an amazing breakfast!!!

The most beautiful thing wasn’t only that they served champagne at breakfast, for a ASMR-girl like me, they had honeycomb!
It’s really hard to get in Sweden so when I saw that beautiful golden piece at the breakfast I had to try it.
AND OMG, the taste of honeycomb is soooo sweet (but not as just normal honey) and with a lovely texture.
It was a amazing adventure to stay at Excelsior Hotel Ernst and I’m so happy I got invited!

My blog (and some videos) will be up to the weekend.
I even got to meet Sabaton!

But more of that in the weekend!

Reviews, Tanks, World of Tanks

The Skoda T 27!

Well well well, what do we have here?
Another tank review!

This time it’s the new Czech Tier 8 autoloader the Skoda T 27 and I can’t wait.
I’m just starting to learn how to play autoloaders and reloaders to a higher level and they really do need a different mind to play single shot tanks.

It’s a shame I have not started the Czech line, I really don’t have a good crew and we all know what that means. .

First of all the look.
I like this tank, its looks really cool, even sexy cool and it has a long gun which is always a good thing!!
It looks lower than the T 50 and should have a good camo rating. Turret looks pretty forward so this should aid in peaking, top and lower plate look nicely angled so there may even be the occasion lucky bounce.

There is a mass of tier 8 premiums in the game so I will compare this to the most similar which are the godly Italian Progetto M35 Mod. 46 (or the Prosecco as I call it)  and the somewhat dated and out of meta French Lorraine 40T. I won’t even talk about the Czech tier 8 tech tree medium, TVP VTU as we all know how bad that tank is.

The  Progetto 46 is arguably the best tier 8 Premium in the game so it’s going to be hard to beat that and I’m afraid it doesn’t, but it does come pretty close in many ways.

So lets start!
The first thing we notice is the low DPM but this is a full autoloader so its all about burst damage and therefore the overall DPM will always be lower compared to single shot tanks.

Now we come to penetration and we all know how important having good penetration is (!) and I’m afraid to say it’s pitiful 202, making it the lowest pen tier 8 medium in the game and comparing it to the Lorr. which has 232 pen it makes me tearful.

Special ammo APCR pen is also low at only 240 pen so that won’t turn this tank into a beast but the AP shell price is very low at only 340 credits per shell, Prosecco at 430 the Lorraine at a huge 1030 per shell, so it should make credits (if you can pen).
Reload of a full clip is good at 23 seconds, the interclip is super fast at 1.8 seconds and shell velocity of 1050 is faster than the other two and it carries a healthy 54 rounds of ammo.

Gun handling stats are not as good as the Prosecco but it felt very similar when I played it and most shots went where I wanted them to go unlike when I play the Lorraine, and the shells go everywhere.

Speed felt ok even though its slower than the Prosecco (55) and the Lorraine (60) but is terrain resistance are lower than both of the others so expect some disappointment when driving on anything other than a road. Turret traverse is better than the other two which is noticeably better than the Lorraine.

The health pool is 1.350 which is 50 lower than the Prosecco but 50 higher than the Lorraine. 50 extra health won’t help much when I shoot you with my shitbarn though.

View range is again the lowest at 380 compared to 390 with the Prosecco!

It has 100/100/100 turret armour and 65/40/40 hull protection so the turret ‘might’ bounce the odd shot but don’t play for that happening.

This is a low armoured autoloader and played in the right hands can be deadly but like all autoloaders it has a pretty high skill cap to play well.
You need to think ahead, don’t get greedy clipping, plan your reloads very carefully and try and stay safe for those 23 seconds as anyone good enough to count shots will know you are reloading and push you.
And that can ofc kill you.   

If you are top tier you can certainly hold your own and produce some really good results. If you are in a tier 6 game then you will have a very fun time but when you see tier 9 and 10 you will struggle with the pen.

Putting this tank side by side with the Prosecco M35 Mod. 46 I would have to say the Prosecco comes out on top in almost every way and the auto reloader system is superior to the standard autoloader system in my opinion. However the Skoda is a fun tank and it’s a great crew grinder for the later Skoda T 50 and TVP 50/51 which I have only played on my CC account but I think I will grind soon.

For new knowledge and learning!